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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel

News - P5/6 Mrs Clarke

17th Oct 2024
For maths week we have been busy bees, planning out our castles and calculating the...
17th Oct 2024
Primary 5 and 6  have been acting out some scenes they have written for their...

2023/2024 School Year

7th Jun 2024
We had a very successful Daisy Dander today.  The children raised a tremendous...
18th May 2024
Congratulations to the boys and girls in P4 who made their First Holy Communion...
6th Mar 2024
We had great fun today celebrating World Book Day. We all read together for a...
28th Feb 2024
26th Jan 2024
St Colman’s was delighted to receive the 2024 Down and Connor Spirit of Catholic...
21st Dec 2023
Sean Rogers from Kilkeel Credit Union presented prizes to the winners of the Credit...
1st Dec 2023
Primary 4/5 put on a show stopping performance this morning at our weekly assembly....
17th Nov 2023
Primary 4/5 marked anti-bullying week by celebrating their uniqueness. During circle...