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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel

Who Likes Strawberry Smoothies?

20th Apr 2016

Our story for the week is called "The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big, Hungry Bear". 


The story is about a little mouse who finds a giant strawberry and does his best to hide the strawberry from the bear! The little mouse was very kind as he cut the strawberry in half and shared it with us. This story allowed for lots of cross curricular links such as sharing (PDMU), halves (Numeracy) and learning about fruits (World Around Us). 


We decided to cut some strawberries in half, making sure both halves were equal. We shared half with little mouse and then used the rest to make delicious strawberry smoothies. The children also learned that this was a permanent change in the strawberry and once it became a liquid it could not be changed back to the strawberry we had at the beginning. 


The boys and girls thought the smoothies were delicious and had great fun making them.