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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel

Primary 5 enjoy Life in Early Times Workshop

11th Jan 2019

Today Rita and Michael from the Active Learning Company came to our school to do a workshop on life in Early Times as this is one of the P5s World Around Us topics. It was an action packed day from beginning to end. In the morning the pupils were divided into 4 groups and then they participated in many different activities which were:dressing up, weaving cloth, building wattle walls, grinding wheat on a quern stone, building a megalithic tomb, making stone rubbings,hunting a wild boar, making a neolithic pot, playing 'What am I?'(identifying aretfacts from photos)and drawing different Stone Age Tools. In the afternoon the P5s watched a powerpoint on 'Life in Early Times'. Then they all made an axe. To finish off the day Rita made a fire outside and baked some bread on it using the flour the pupils had ground. Everyone had great fun and really enjoyed the opportunity to engage in so many hands-on activities. The children learned so much today.