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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel
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Hello girls and boys

31st Mar 2020

Hello girls and boys!

My goodness but you have been busy! I have seen all the fantastic work on home learning and I have heard of some of the fantastic work that is being done in other ways at home! I want to promise you that there is no best way. That the way you learn at home at the minute is the best way for you.

I hope you all got your letter from the postman from all the staff and myself. If you didn’t get your letter ask a friend who did, to send you a picture of it or read it to you. I hope that letter gave you some good ideas.

I know that you are being really good at home for your mums and dads. I am sure that you have found lovely ways to use your hands and heart to help. Some of you have shared some of the lovely kind things you have been doing. Thank you❤️ And I know that you are being especially good to your grannies and grandas - by not visiting them and by talking to them everyday, as often as you can. 

You are being really kind to each other. You are helping your family and friends in small ways every day. Keep up all those kind wee things. I know how kind and helpful you all can be so I know you are doing an awesome job.

You have so many toys at home. You can play with your favourite toys and maybe even play with other toys. If you have jigsaws, board games or other games you might have fun with them too. So many of you bought books at the Book Fair and you have lots of books at home too. I think you might be running out of books from what I see and hear. So here is a good link from Accelerated Reading. It is FREE for you to use. There is no log in required. Click here:

If you have a younger brother or sister you could help them chose a book that you could read to them at bedtime. You will be the best bookworms in the world. 

All the boys and girls are safe at home. The teachers, support staff and myself are all safe at home too. We all miss each other. But remember that by staying at home we are looking after each other. You are all bright wee stars that shine morning, noon and night. 🌟 Remember to wash your hands often and to stay safe online.

After you read a story book at bedtime say a wee prayer, it might just be...thank you God for today.

Night night, God bless boys and girls,

Mrs Donnelly and all the staff ✨