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St. Colman's Primary School, Kilkeel
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Easter holiday fun

8th Apr 2020

Girls and boys, here are some very simple ideas you may use during your Easter holidays. You are on holidays for 10 days. You might want to use some of the ideas beginning today. It is up to you. Have a look at some of the activities suggested. There are five suggestions written inside five eggs, one for each day of the week. It is amazing what you can create from an egg carton box,other junk materials and things you find outside.

When you return to online learning on Monday 22nd April your teachers will ask you to tell them about some of the things that you have done. You could take some photos or keep a diary to tell us about some of the things you did.

We know that you will have lots of good ideas yourselves and will do some lovely things during the Easter holidays.

Yesterday your parents received a story book with some of your favourite characters in it. Here are the other pages to that story. If you have a younger brother or sister you could perhaps read the story to them. This story reminds us all how to stay safe.

The most important things to do are to:

be kind and gentle to each other

be extra helpful to your mum and dad

keep in touch with your grandparents every day

wash your hands often

stay safely at home

keep praying

and to enjoy all your Easter treats! 😊

With love from Mrs Donnelly and all the staff ♥️