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🦉🌳 Forest School in Primary 4 🦉🌳
Primary 4 have been learning about fables and traditional tales during Literacy. In these stories all the main characters are animals. Today Primary 4 received a letter from the animals asking the class to find an important message hidden outside. During our forest school session the boys and girls retrieved the hidden message and put the letters together to find the message - ‘Look after us’. We then discussed the ways in which we can look after and protect local wildlife, including endangered species. Afterwards Primary 4 worked in groups to build dens and shelters for the animals. They got very creative using natural and man-made items.
St. Colman's Primary School, Greencastle Road, Kilkeel, Co Down BT34 4DE
Phone: 028 4176 3179 | Mobile: 07395 505067